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  • Writer's pictureKaitlyn Calvert

Notion for Remote Teams: Increase Collaboration and Efficiency | FREE Notion Team Workspace Template


Be sure to read to the end for a FREE beginner-friendly Team Workspace template!


Creating your Team Workspace

Creating a team workspace in Notion can be a game-changing move for your organization, streamlining communication and workflow and increasing overall productivity. But where to begin? Here is a guide to help you get started.

First, decide on the purpose of your workspace. Will it be a central hub for all team communication and collaboration, or will it focus on a specific project or task? Clearly defining the purpose of your workspace will help you determine which features and tools you will need to include.

Invite your team members to join the workspace. Notion makes it easy to share your workspace with others, whether they are a part of your organization or external collaborators. You can also set different levels of permissions, such as view-only or edit, to ensure that everyone has the access they need to do their work.



Calendars, Meetings and Launches!

Notion is a powerful tool for keeping track of events and team projects. With its built-in calendar feature, you can easily create and manage a schedule for yourself and your team. Notion's calendar is fully customizable, so you can adjust the view to show only the events and tasks that are relevant to you. You can also invite team members to events and tasks, and use the calendar to assign tasks and deadlines.

But the calendar feature is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to what Notion can do for your team. You can use Notion to create and organize project pages, document your team's processes and procedures, and even use it as a team chat tool. With its flexibility and versatility, Notion is a great choice for businesses of all sizes looking to streamline their workflow and improve communication and collaboration.



One of the most useful ways to use Notion's calendar feature is for scheduling team meetings. With the calendar, you can easily create events for team meetings and invite all necessary team members to attend. You can also set up recurring events for regular team meetings, such as weekly or monthly check-ins.

Additionally, Notion's calendar can be a great tool for keeping track of team projects and their associated deadlines. By creating a calendar event for each project and task, you can easily see what needs to be done and when it needs to be completed. You can also use the calendar to assign tasks to specific team members, ensuring that everyone knows what they need to work on and when it is due.

Your team could use Notion to:

  1. Create events in the calendar: Notion's calendar is a great place to schedule one-time or recurring events, such as team meetings, video calls, and launches. Simply create an event and invite the necessary team members to attend.

  2. Set reminders: You can set reminders for events in Notion, so you and your team don't forget about important meetings or deadlines.

  3. Schedule tasks: If you have a task that needs to be completed by a specific date, you can use the calendar to schedule it and assign it to a team member.

  4. Track project deadlines: If you have multiple projects happening at once, you can use the calendar to keep track of deadlines and ensure that everything stays on track.

  5. Plan launches and kickoffs: Whether you're launching a new product or kicking off a new project, you can use the calendar to plan out all the necessary tasks and deadlines leading up to the launch or kickoff.

Overall, Notion's calendar is a versatile tool that can be used to schedule and manage all kinds of events and tasks. Whether you're a business owner or manager, it's a great tool to have in your toolkit to help you stay organized and on top of your work.



Client Onboarding

One great way to use Notion is to create a client onboarding process. You can create a template page with all the necessary information and tasks that need to be completed during the onboarding process. This could include things like collecting client contact information, setting up a project timeline, and outlining the scope of work. By having everything in one place, you can easily keep track of where you are in the process and make sure everything is running smoothly.

Notion is also great for keeping track of leads. You can create a database of potential clients and add information like their contact information, the type of work they're interested in, and any notes about the conversation you had with them. This way, you can quickly and easily refer back to your leads and follow up with them as needed.

Of course, Notion isn't just useful for onboarding new clients and tracking leads. It can also be a great tool for maintaining relationships with your current clients. You can create pages for each of your clients and use them to keep track of project updates, important documents, and any other relevant information. You can also use Notion to schedule regular check-ins and meetings with your clients, so you can stay in touch and make sure everything is running smoothly.

  • Use a template page in Notion to organize and streamline the onboarding process for new clients, including tasks like collecting contact information and outlining the scope of work

  • Track contact information, type of work they're interested in, and notes about conversations to easily follow up and move them through the sales process

  • Set up a page for each current client in Notion to keep track of project updates, important documents, and other relevant information.

  • Schedule regular check-ins and meetings with clients to maintain strong relationships and ensure smooth communication.

If you're a small business owner or freelancer, you know how important it is to keep track of your clients and leads. Notion can be an incredibly useful tool for organizing and managing your client relationships. With its customizable workspace and customizable pages and databases, you can easily onboard new clients, keep track of leads, maintain relationships with current clients, and more.

More Ways to Manage

As a business owner or manager, you can use Notion to keep track of customer relationships and manage your sales pipeline. You can create a customer relationship management (CRM) database to store all of your customer information, including contact details, purchase history, and notes about interactions. You can also use Notion's board view to visualize the progress of your sales deals and identify any potential bottlenecks.

Start using Notion to manage your team's projects and milestones. You can create a project database to store all of the details about your projects, including the scope, timeline, budget, and deliverables. You can also use Notion's calendar view to schedule your tasks and stay organized. You can even set up custom alerts and reminders to help you stay on track.

In addition to CRM and project management, Notion can also be used for team goal management. You can create a database to track your team's goals and progress, and use the calendar view to schedule regular check-ins and reviews. You can also use Notion's integration with other productivity tools, like Trello and Asana, to keep your team's work organized and aligned with your business objectives.

Wrap-Up and FREE Template!

You've learned why creating a team workspace in Notion is a great way to streamline communication and workflow, and increase overall productivity. With its customizable calendar feature and ability to create project pages and document processes, Notion is a powerful tool that can help your team stay organized and on top of their work. Whether you're a business owner, manager, or team member, Notion is a valuable tool to have in your toolkit. So why wait? Start creating your team workspace in Notion today and watch your team's efficiency soar!


As promised, here is a basic Team Workspace that uses the tips we discussed.


Thank you for reading this KAITemplates blog post! I hope you found it useful and informative, and that it has encouraged you to start using Notion within your team. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to leave a comment below. And don't forget to share this post with others who might be interested in using Notion to improve their organization and productivity!

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